The Icecream Team


The Icecream Team | The Ice Cream Car | Contacts |


Three men in a boat (to say nothing of the dog)... As a matter of fact - two landscape architects in a car (to say nothing of the engineer...).


Team name:    Ice Cream
Team Members: Ivo Tali, Eero Tali, Sulev Nurme
Vehicle type: Car (Mitsubishi L200)
Category: Touring
Participant's Number: 83



Niisiis AD 2011. 12. 01. stardime Tartust. Kui sõit Budapestist lahti läheb, siis meie tiimi kulgemist saab jälgida veebiaadressil:



Ligikaudne marsruut...




[ Team - info ]    [ BB Teams ]    [ BB 2011 route ]   [ BB 2011 Trailer ]


Odadahraun. Iceland. 2007
